Microsoft Windows Vista
If you can afford it I would recommend upgrading to Windows 7. Any system that can run Windows Vista can run Windows 7.
Note: The Windows Vista setup files are very large (~2 GB each) and require the use of high speed internet to download.
• If you have a Windows Vista DVD, instead download the correct Service 1 and Service Pack 2 file (below) and install these immediately after installing Windows Vista. Note it takes longer to install Service Pack 1 than it does Vista!
• You will however need to download the three setup files if planning on switching from 32 bit Windows Vista to 64 bit Windows Vista.
We will use these setup files to create disc images. These are the same discs Digital River would send out to customers purchasing Windows Vista and have nothing else added.
Before deciding on 32 or 64 bit check how much memory your system has. Download the 64 bit file if you have a computer with 4 GB of RAM or more or if you plan to upgrade your RAM to 4 GB or superior. If you have 2 GB of RAM or less then take the 32 bit file.
Before proceeding ensure that Dell provides 32 bit Vista drivers for use with installing 32 bit Windows Vista and likewise that Dell provides 64 bit Vista drivers for use with installing 64 bit Windows Vista. These may be found on the Dell Drivers and Downloads page. Drivers for non-Dell systems must be found elsewhere.
Note: with regards to specific versions of Windows Vista, these .isos should all contain, Business, Home Basic*, Home Premium, Ultimate, Home Basic N, Business N and Starter*.If you input a valid Windows Vista product key it will determine the version, if you don't put in a key, you will get the option to opt for the edition of Vista you wish to install.
* These might only be present in the 32 bit .iso