Right click the desktop and select New:Shortcut. Next in the Command line enter msconfig(in windows 98 and Me) or C:\windows\pchealth\helpctr\binaries\msconfig (if your using xp). Finally, click next and then choose a name for your shortcut and click finish.
how to change windows logon screen
A Registry tweak
The process begins
with a very minor Registry tweak. Even for those who would not normally feel
comfortable editing the Registry, this one’s a piece of cake. To begin, click
the Start button and type Regedit in the Search box. Then, select the
appropriate result and press [Enter]. When you do, you’ll see the User Account
Control, shown in Figure A, and will need to click the Yes button.\
microsoft register server stopped working
This may
usually happen due to data execution prevention.
Try adding
it in the exception for data execution prevention and check if it works.
Step 1: Go to Start, Control
Panel and click
on System.
Step 2: Now
click on the Advanced tab and under Performance,
click on Settings.
Step 3: Click on Data Execution Prevention and select the Turn
on DEP for all programs and services except for those I select:
radio button.
Step 4: Now
click the Add button and browse to C:\Windows\System32 and choose the regsvr32.exefile.
When you get the message stating it could make your computer become unprotected
and vulnerable to attacks, just click OK to continue.
Step 5: Click OK and then click OK again to exit.
how to uninstall avast antivirus ?
How to uninstall our software using aswClear:
- Download aswclear.exe on your desktop
- Start Windows in Safe Mode
- Open (execute) the uninstall utility
- If you installed avast! in a different folder than the default, browse for it. (Note: Be careful! The content of any folder you choose will be deleted!)
- Click REMOVE
- Restart your computer
what is tomato firmware for linksys wrt54g ?
Tomato is a small, lean and simple replacement firmware for Linksys' WRT54G/GL/GS, Buffalo WHR-G54S/WHR-HP-G54 and other Broadcom-based routers. It features a new easy to use GUI, a new bandwidth usage monitor, more advanced QOS and access restrictions, enables new wireless features such as WDS and wireless client modes, raises the limits on maximum connections for P2P, allows you to run your custom scripts or telnet/ssh in and do all sorts of things like re-program the SES/AOSS button, adds wireless site survey to see your wifi neighbors, and more.
update firmaware page of linksys router wrt54g
If you own a Linksys Wireless router, it is strongly recommended that you upgrade the firmware to a latest version, which may resolve lot of bugs including random dropping of wireless connections. This article explains how to upgrade to the latest firmware on your Linksys wireless router.
Also, make sure you’ve secured your wireless as mentioned in 6 Steps to Secure Your Home Wireless Network

Fig: Version Number of Linksys-Cisco WRT54GL Wireless-G Broadband Router (Compatible with Linux)
Direct Download link for :
Also, make sure you’ve secured your wireless as mentioned in 6 Steps to Secure Your Home Wireless Network
1. Get your Wireless Router Model Number and Version Number
On the back of your wireless router, you’ll see both model number and version number for your specific linksys wireless router. The example below shows the model and version of a WRT54G wireless router.

Fig: Version Number of Linksys-Cisco WRT54GL Wireless-G Broadband Router (Compatible with Linux)
2. Download Latest Linksys Wireless Router Firmware
Go to linksys.com -> Support -> Enter your wireless router model number (for example, WRT54GS) -> Click on ‘Get Downloads’ -> Select Version number for your wireless router -> Click on the download link under firmware section, which typically shows the following information.
- Release Date: For example, 07/01/2008
- Firmware Version Number: For example, Ver.1.52.6
- Download Size and Link. for example, 1.66 MB
- Release Notes for the new firmware
Direct Download link for :
- WRT54GS firmware
- WRT54G firmware
- WRT54G2 firmware
- WRT54GL firmware
- WRT160N firmware
- WRT110 firmware
- WRT600N firmware
3. Take a Backup of Linksys Wireless Configuration
Before the upgrade, take a backup of the current Linksys Wireless Configuration. From the web interface, go to Administration -> Config Management -> Backup -> Config.bin, Save this file to some location on your local machine.
4. Upgrade the Linksys Wireless Firmware
From the web interface, go to Administration -> Firmware Upgrade -> Choose the latest file that you downloaded above -> Click on Upgrade.
Once the upgrade started, do not click on any other link on the web interface. Just wait until the upgrade is completed.
Once you’ve completed the upgrade, verify your new firmware version to make sure the upgrade was successfully completed. In my case, following is the firmware version.
Once the upgrade started, do not click on any other link on the web interface. Just wait until the upgrade is completed.
Once you’ve completed the upgrade, verify your new firmware version to make sure the upgrade was successfully completed. In my case, following is the firmware version.
- Before the upgrade old Firmware Version: v1.50.5
- AFter upgrade Firmware Version: v1.52.5
Error message when you try to run the Wireless Network Setup Wizard after you update to Windows XP Service Pack 2, Service Pack 3 or Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005
you can also refer microsoft article ID : 871122
If your computer or your wireless network adapter did not come with its own wireless network software, follow these steps:- Click Start, click Run, type ncpa.cpl, and then click OK.
- Click Network Connections.
- In Network Connections, click to select your wireless connection, and then click Change settings of this connection.
- On the Wireless Networks tab, click to select the Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings check box.
Window was unable to finad a certificate to log you on to the network
uninstall wireless network adapter from device manager and restart computer
then reinstall wireless adapter drivers
click on the wireless icon in your taskbar and under Related Tasks, choose Change advanced settings.
Now click on the Wireless Networks tab and select the network in the list at the bottom. Click onProperties once you select the wireless network that is having problems.
Click on the Authentication tab and now uncheck the Enable IEEE 802.1x authentication for this network box. If the box was checked, then that was why you were getting the “unable to find a certificate to log you on to the network” message because Windows is looking for one, but your wireless router is not setup for certificate security.
import and export of favourities
Internet Explorer 8
To export the Favorites folder, follow these steps:- In Internet Explorer, click Favorites, click the down-arrow next to Add to Favorites, and then clickImport and Export.
- Click Export to a file, and then click Next.
- Click to select the Favorites check box, and then click Next.
- Select the Favorites folder that you want to export. If you want to export all Favorites, select the top level Favorites folder. Otherwise, select the individual folder that you want to export.
- Click Next.
Note By default, Internet Explorer creates a Bookmark.htm file in your Documents folder. If you want to use a name other than Bookmark.htm, or if you want to store the exported Favorites in a folder other than the Documents folder, specify the new file and folder name. - Click Next.
Note If you already have a file that has the same name, Internet Explorer asks you to replace it. ClickYes to replace the file. Click No to provide a new file name. - Click Export.
- Click Finish.
Icons are highlighted on desktop in windows xp
Icons are highlighted on desktop in windows xp
Start> Run> type: sysdm.cpl then hit OK.
Click on Advanced tab> Visual Effects tab, check the box:
Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop then OK, Apply and OK.
Start> Run> type: sysdm.cpl then hit OK.
Click on Advanced tab> Visual Effects tab, check the box:
Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop then OK, Apply and OK.
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